Friday, May 6, 2022

The Caftan Woman Blogathon -- NOW SHOWING

And we're off!


Paddy, lover and scholar of classic films, friend to you and me, will always be a warm memory in our hearts.  Today, we turn our fandom of this wonderful blogger into a collection of posts in her honor.  Have at it, then.  Check out these posts below, and leave your link with your post in a comment here or at Lady Eve’s Reel Life . 

Be sure to visit each other’s posts and comment.  You know Paddy would.


Another Old Movie Blog -- The Case of Charlie Chan and The Caftan Woman

Make Mine Film Noir --   Union Station (1950)

A Shroud of Thoughts -- Perry Mason episode "The Case of the Final Fade-Out"

Once Upon a Screen -- Remember Caftan Woman and her Words

Lady Eve's Reel Life -- Champagne for Caesar (1950)

A Person in the Dark -- The Binding Ties Made of Film

Hometowns to Hollywood -- Portrait of Jennie (1948)

Laura's Miscellaneous Musings --  Has Anybody Seen My Gal? (1952)

Let Yourself Go...To Old Hollywood -- Ida Lupino as Television Director

The Stop Button -- Ball of Fire (1941)

Vienna's Classic Hollywood -- Paul Lukas

By Rich Watson -- Saturday Night at the Movies


Citizen Screen said...

Thank you so much to you and Patty, Jacqueline for the idea and hosting this in honor of Paddy. We all needed to express our fondness and how much we'll miss her presence in this world of ours.

I will head to all tributes later but had to express my gratitude to you first.


The Classic Movie Muse said...

Hi Jacqueline, here's my post! Thank you for honoring Paddy in this way and for allowing me to contribute.

Rich said...

It took me awhile to accept, much less appreciate, the cinematic Charlie Chan, but Paddy was the one who helped me do it. When she and I co-hosted a blogathon, you did a post about another movie featuring a white guy in yellowface: A MAJORITY OF ONE, with Alec Guinness. Together, I learned to be a bit less uptight about such roles and to try and see them in the context of the times they were made.

This blogathon was a great idea. Thank you.

Rich said...
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CineMaven said...

Hi there Jacqueline ~ I'm bringing up the rear here in the late shift, with my contribution to Paddy's blogathon. I talk about a Bette Davis movie Paddy covered: "MARKED WOMAN."

You can find it here at CineMaven's Essays from the Couch:

Jacqueline T. Lynch said...

Thanks all, for joining the party! Paddy's love of film and of our blogging community will linger over us all forever.

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