This ad for “The Las Vegas Story” (1952) is a bit different from the usual print ads we’ve shown here before in that it carries this sidebar of photos from the film along with the splashy artist’s rendering.
This was rising star Jane Russell’s sixth movie, and her attributes are displayed in the sketch like a trademark. Victor Mature and Vincent Price are her co-stars and the three create romantic triangle in what is also sort of a murder mystery and a musical. Hoagy Carmichael shows up, so it’s not your typical film noir. Just what this film is seems to depend on your viewpoint, and the ad, with both photos and sketch, likewise tries to cover all bases.
Oh - I like both Victor Mature and Vincent Price, so I will sure see this one!
Jane Russel, Vincent Price & Hoagy Carmichael.... talk about "strange bedfellows!"
Hi, John and Lolita. Yep, I guess there's something for everyone in this movie. I've not seen it myself, but I understand it ends with a chase scene in a helicopter. Gets more and more unbelievable, doesn't it? I hope I can find this one soon.
This is a terrific movie, it does indeed end with a copter chase, and then a pursuit through an abandoned building in the desert, with the wind howling... It's really well done.
It's probably my favourite Jane movie, and Hoagy and Vincent are terrific as well. If only Hughes had cast Mitchum instead of dear old Vic I think we'd all have seen it by now, and would think of it as on a par with the Warners crime films. Jane really did belong at Warners - nothing did for her career like Howard Hughes...
Really like your blog; I'll come again!
Welcome, Matthew and thanks so much for your description of this movie. Now I really want to see it. You might be right about substituting Victor Mature for Mitchum increasing the stature of the film.
Ill try and watch this movie... I love old movies. any movies!! :D
Welcome, Luxlucky. You're in good company.
Jacqueline, you tease, how can I resist the ballyhoo over THE LAS VEGAS STORY? Now that I've gotten some work out of the way, I'm about to read your actual review! I'm confident I'll love it!
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