Thursday, October 5, 2023

Happy 100th Birthday, Glynis Johns!


A very happy 100th birthday to Glynis Johns, whose work we've mentioned in previous posts on suffragettes in movies and in No Highway in the Sky (1951).

A most joyous milestone, indeed, for this lovely veteran of screen and stage.  Well done, Sister Suffragette!


Jacqueline T. Lynch is the author of Ann Blyth: Actress. Singer. Star. and Movies in Our Time - Hollywood Mirrors and Mimics the Twentieth Century and Hollywood Fights Fascism.  Her latest book is Christmas in Classic Films. TO JOIN HER READERS' GROUP - follow this link for a free book as a thank-you for joining.


Terence Towles Canote said...

What always amazed me about Glynis Johns is that she played such a wide variety of roles. It's not many women who could play a resistance fighter in one movie, a mermaid in another, and a femme fatale in yet another! And she had such a long career as well. Her earliest roles were in the late Thirties and her latest in the late Nineties!

Jacqueline T. Lynch said...

Agreed, Terence, she is probably underrated for her wide range of roles. And to think that late in her career, when she appeared in A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC on Broadway, that "Send in the Clowns" was written for her.

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