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Wednesday, August 21, 2024


My new non-fiction book, CHILDREN'S WARTIME ADVENTURE NOVELS - The Silent Generation's Vicarious Experience of World War II -- is now available in eBook here at Barnes & Noble, Apple, Kobo, and a wide variety of other online shops.

And it is here in eBook, paperback print, and soon, hardcover, from Amazon.

From Cherry Ames, to Meet the Malones, from Dave Dawson to Kitty Carter - Canteen Girl, the Silent Generation spent their childhood immersed in geopolitical events through the prism of their middle grade and young adult books.  From the home front to the battlefield, these books are a window on their world, and influenced their hard-working, conformity-loving generation.

For many of us later generations, these books were hand-me-downs from older siblings or other relatives, or discovered at yard sales or online.  Here they are discussed and examined against the background of the exciting and tumultuous era that produced them.

I hope you enjoy it.

For reviewers, please email me at for a pdf copy in exchange for a fair review on the website of your choice.


Jacqueline T. Lynch is the author of Ann Blyth: Actress. Singer. Star. and Movies in Our Time - Hollywood Mirrors and Mimics the Twentieth Century and Hollywood Fights Fascism and Christmas in Classic Films. TO JOIN HER READERS' GROUP - follow this link for a free book as a thank-you for joining.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Happy 96th birthday to Ann Blyth!

Happy 96th birthday to the wonderful Ann Blyth!

Here Ann stars as Maria in THE SOUND OF MUSIC summer stock production at Milwaukee's Melody Top tent theater in 1972.  Many thanks to Dan Pagel and his wonderful Memories of Melody Top site for permission to post this photo.


Looking for a gift a classic film fan?Have a look at 
my book -- Ann Blyth: Actress. Singer. Star.

eBook edition (Amazon)

print edition available at Amazon and also my Etsy shop.

Also available in eBook at:

...and a variety of other online shops!

For more on my other books and plays, please see my website:  

"Lynch’s book is organized and well-written – and has plenty of amusing observations – but when it comes to describing Blyth’s movies, Lynch’s writing sparkles." - Ruth Kerr, Silver Screenings

"Jacqueline T. Lynch creates a poignant and thoroughly-researched mosaic of memories of a fine, upstanding human being who also happens to be a legendary entertainer." - Deborah Thomas, Java's Journey

"One of the great strengths of Ann Blyth: Actress. Singer. Star. is that Lynch not only gives an excellent overview of Blyth's career -- she offers detailed analyses of each of Blyth's roles -- but she puts them in the context of the larger issues of the day."- Amanda Garrett, Old Hollywood Films

"Jacqueline's book will hopefully cause many more people to take a look at this multitalented woman whose career encompassed just about every possible aspect of 20th Century entertainment." - Laura Grieve, Laura's Miscellaneous Musings''

"Jacqueline T. Lynch’s Ann Blyth: Actress. Singer. Star. is an extremely well researched undertaking that is a must for all Blyth fans." - Annette Bochenek, Hometowns to Hollywood

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Children's Wartime Adventure Novels - COVER REVEAL

Here's the cover of my new book, CHILDREN'S WARTIME ADVENTURE NOVELS - The Silent Generation's Vicarious Experience of World War II.

Long title, I know.  Sometimes I feel it's best to just be plain about it, that way you know what you're getting.

Here's the blurb:

Experience World War II like an American twelve-year-old.

From Cherry Ames and Ann Bartlett nursing in war zones from the Pacific to Europe, from aviators Dave Dawson and Stan Wilson in aerial dogfights with the enemy, the middle-grade and teen readers growing up in the early 1940s received through these characters an amazing window on a world at war.
The World War II-themed series novels discussed in this book were their companions in the baffling and exciting era of their already normally angst-ridden pre-teen and teen years.  These books provided entertainment, inspiration, education, and indoctrination as to what would be expected of them as kids supporting the war effort and what kind of adults they should strive to be.

They grew up to be called The Silent Generation, known for conformity, respect for rules, and a quiet but determined work ethic that never left them. See how the adventures in the wartime children's books they read shaped their knowledge of the world and formed their ideals.
The series novels for children published in the early 1940s allow us to explore the theaters of war, the home front, the news of the day as it was absorbed by the teens and pre-teens who were too young to participate in the war effort like adults, but who still felt the impact of world-shaking events.

This book will be available in eBook, paperback print, and also in hardcover.  I expect publication to be in late August.

Email me at for a PDF review copy in exchange for a fair review at the site of your choice.  Thank you!


Our greatest gift from the Greatest Generation was freedom from fascism. Relive, and celebrate, how evil was faced, discussed, dramatized...and fought. Classic films were Hollywood's weapon.

Get your copy of my book Hollywood Fights Fascism here at Amazon in print or eBook, or FREE here for a limited time at Barnes & Noble, Apple, Kobo, and a variety of other online shops.


Jacqueline T. Lynch is the author of Ann Blyth: Actress. Singer. Star. and Movies in Our Time - Hollywood Mirrors and Mimics the Twentieth Century and Hollywood Fights Fascism and Christmas in Classic Films. TO JOIN HER READERS' GROUP - follow this link for a free book as a thank-you for joining.